If Anyone is interested…

To Anyone Who May Still Have Any Interest In Anything I Have to Say:

I recently “lost” my job and have given myself pause to re-evaluate. The problem is that in this rapidly changing world if you re-evaluate too long there is no question that you quickly
become irrelevant and take on the stench of loserdom.

That is what I fought much off today. However thanks to Statcounter I found that a couple of creepers keep revisiting my site – not to gain from my vast wisdom -but just to get a sneaky peak at what I’m up to.

Here you go whoever is interested. NOTHING!

Well not nothing. I’m spending time trying to devour as much information as I can about Social Media, Blogging, Online Marketing and then pushing it through the filter of what I already know about humans and their behavior. I’m then putting what I think I’ve learned into practice to see if it works. Very fun. Like teaching a dog tricks.

What’s stinky is that I hate to read fast and by the time I get one article read I feel like I’ve been directed to fifty more and I become more and more aware of how much I don’t know about what I don’t know. Makes me miss being a “go to” expert.

So while I get into the habit of blogging I hope that nobody’s paying much attention to what I write because I just don’t have the wherewithal to go back and reread it.

Mostly I’m trying to entertain the creepers and get something down on…well..screen really.